The Whitmore Legacy – (3.12)

Hello, and welcome back! I was pleased to see that we had a marriage certificate in Hermes’ inventory, so I decided to hang it up next to his portrait, above the space where Owen’s portrait will eventually be. It’s very pretty, honestly!

Speaking of Owen, here’s his revamped room – a lot less stuff, due to how much infants need usually, but still nice and spacious. I think it’ll have a lot more later, but there’s not really activity stuff for toddlers outside of very small things, which is to be expected. They are babies, after all.

It’s also been getting colder, so it was time for cold weather clothing to become the norm!

Poe: Ugh, I hate cold weather…

Amidala: Aren’t you excited for Winterfest coming soon? We get to all decorate the tree together!

Poe: …I mean, I can’t argue with that.

Poe has, however, been enjoying the underwater pool. I wish kids could have mermaid tails, but I’m looking forward to seeing what all three of our little merkids look like when we find out their mermaid forms! I wonder if any of them will have Lori’s nose?

I also decided we should get a llama, so meet Fluffs! A very good llama indeed. (I tried really hard not to get a pet, I really did, but the empty barn feels weird.)

I also spotted Elsa walking by the house late at night, which is a little suspicious but mostly funny because of her sunglasses and casual attitude.

Nia paid us a visit, too, but only to destroy the dolls’ house to make herself feel better. For shame!

Luckily, Hermes was here to fix it for us, and did so immediately.

As for Lori and the kids, I got this cute picture of Ami and Lori knitting together while Poe had some ghost cake. Isn’t this adorable?

Lori: So, Poe, did you want to give it a go?

Poe: Nope, I’m happy with my cake, thanks…Why do they always make cake, though?

Ami: Actually, I always wondered that too…

Owen’s been playing with the new dolls’ house in his room, which I just genuinely wish I had as a kid. I mean, it’s a giant barn with a little chimney and everything!

But of course, that’s super tiring, so his mom read him to sleep.

Lori: ‘Of course’, said Large, ‘bear or not, I’ll always love you, no matter what.’

Lori’s also been looking after Fluffs, who seems to be a little snooty. Maybe that’s just my impression of llamas, though…

Ritvik showed up in the kitchen just in time to see Ami, and he seems pleased enough.

Ritvik: So, you’re my great-grandaughter, hm? Come and have some cake.

Ami: Are you the reason we always have cake lying around, or is that a ghost thing?

Ritvik: You know what, I’m going to go ahead and call it a ghost thing, kid.

We’re slowly also coming up on Owen’s birthday, but for now he’s working on his skills and becoming a lot more independent, which is wonderful and kind of sad all at once. He’s definitely growing up!

Poe and Hermes also had a conversation in the kitchen.

Poe: So, you know Winterfest is coming up, right Dad?

Hermes: Yes…

Poe: Well, I’ve been really good, so I was thinking maybe I could get a tablet or something? I mean, I’ve been, like, super good…

Hermes: You should ask Father Winter, don’t you think? Especially with your brother around.

Hermes also helped Amidala out with her class project – a volcano! I love how good of a dad he is, honestly, and I always love when Sims help out their kids with this kind of thing.

Lori and Hermes are still spending time together between busy schedules, though, with Hermes making a dinner they could share. He’s actually a really good cook at this point!

He’s also maxed the painting skill, which I’m super happy about! I don’t know what career I want him to go into next, but I think he’s nearly at the top of the ladder as an artist. Maybe a chef or something?

Finally, remember Amelia Whitmore? Well, here she is! She’s Hephaestus’ daughter in case anyone was wondering. I think the last time we saw her was during the Bachelor Challenge during the final dates!

Speaking of, it was around this time two years ago that the Bachelor Challenge ran. Because of that, every time I’ve been uploading pictures for this, they’ve been right next to the first pictures from the Bachelor Challenge, including our first looks at Lori and all the other fun contestants we met. It’s been a real throwback, but a fun one, looking back on those pictures – and there are a lot of them!

Anyway, join us next time for a very Whitmore Winterfest, and thanks for reading!

3 thoughts on “The Whitmore Legacy – (3.12)

    1. Almost done catching up with the Whitmores! I will leave a long comment once I’m done reading it all…

      But I wanted to ask! Where the dollhouse Owen is using coming from?
      I haven’t played Sims in a bit but I don’t remember seeing it anywhere and I have almost all packs up to the high school one!

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