Eve Carstairs, January 9th (OMOWOY 2024)

Dear Diary,

Is it possible that I’m starting to feel more settled in here? Despite all that stuff that happened with Wolfgang, I’m feeling more and more confident in myself. I don’t think I’m so much the new kid anymore now that I’ve become part of some groups, and I think I need Wolfgang’s help less than I did. I mean, honestly, I’m starting to think that these days I might get over him soon.

Besides, I’ve got other things on my mind. It’s actually possible to get sick of snack stand food, noodles, and all the other ready meals. I’ve recently been learning how to cook, which I’ve never really been too interested in. I mean, I could do bits here and there, but now I actually kind of have to if I want to be healthy. It’s completely weird buying vegetables instead of expecting them at the dinner table, and also, how are you supposed to balance a diet? I know you need fruit and veg, but how are you supposed to know exactly what you need? Honestly, at this rate I might end up in a cooking class or something.

Love, Eve

Drumroll, please! We finally have what I could happily call a house! Look at this, I’m so happy! Plus, it’s decorated exactly to Eve’s current tastes.

With our new kitchen, I’ve had Eve work on learning how to cook. Nothing has gone up in flames yet (ever since watching Vixella’s Barbie legacy, I’ve been definitely fearful!) and so far, things seem to be going well, ish.

I’m actually psyched that Eve is able to make food at home and we’re not reliant on olive bowls anymore. That was all she was ordering at the bar, and then of course there was the quick meals from the fridge. Now, she can actually have substantial stuff and learn how to properly cook as well.

She also brought home a project, though at the start of this challenge when you’re running around doing your best to get things sorted, I don’t know how you’re supposed to have the energy for projects. I could sell it, but I also do want the good effect on her grades. I’m trying to keep them up at the moment.

And as always, she’s focused very much on doing her homework and working hard. It’s actually rare that Eve ever skips doing her homework, and I’m glad that I’ve been able to put together a house so quickly for her

That’s all for this update, but I’m beginning to think further on Eve’s story. As this challenge goes on, it heads less away from little updates and more into Simlit territory. Right now I’m blending the two, but I’m looking forward to working the two together. However, gameplay does often affect the way that the story goes, so there’s only so much planning I can really do.

Money: 312 Simoleons

Eve Carstairs, January 8th (OMOWOY 2024)

Dear Diary,

So, I’m still part of this group, the Renegades, and they were having a meeting today. I didn’t know if Wolfgang would be there, but when I got to the pool, he was, and it was really awkward at first. I was downstairs and I bumped into him, and he was a bit weird. He said it was nice to actually see me for once, and I didn’t know how to respond, so I said it was nice to see him as well. He relaxed just a bit, and asked me if I heard about what happened at the dance, and we just kind of…began talking again. It’s not like before, though, not half as easy as we were before. He asked me about Aurelio, and I explained he’d asked me to dance because we’d both been new kids and all that.

I really wish that I was over him, honestly. I’m not yet, but I think I can be in the future. I mean, there’s no sense in holding a flame for someone who doesn’t like you, right? And I think talking might get easier in time. Oh, and Morgan was there, which was good, because she’s a good person to talk to. She’s got that whole deadpan, not taking anything seriously thing going on, so we caught up a bit too. Apparently Hugo Villareal threw this massive party right before the dance, and Morgan was telling me all about it. It honestly sounds like it was a disaster, but I think that’s why Morgan is so happy about it – all the gossip.

Love, Eve

How the garden always manages to need so much attention each day, I’ll never know. But bright and early, Eve was outside to tend to her plants.

Of course, Jenny’s Curse just can’t leave us be for one day…

So I sent Eve back home to chill out next to her brand new souvenir from prom. Cute, right? I don’t know what the gold prize is but I’m assuming a gold version of this.

Also, the Festival of Youth had appeared, which was really cute! I love the crepes, myself.

And of course, the koinobori! I love all the little details in this world!

Of course, at the swimming pool, Wolfgang was there and he and Eve now have some awkward feelings between them. Eve tried to resolve it…

But, I’m afraid she had limited success. I think sentiments are a really useful tool of the game, because they lead to growth in relationships in many directions. However, this does mean that my early days drama is not yet over.

As for Morgan, for some reason her hair has changed but she happily told Eve some gossip and chatted with her outside of the bathrooms. My game actually crashed after this, but I still had the screenshots of them hanging out and maybe they’ll do so more in the future!

With that, I’m starting to suspect that this drama is not yet done. Not that I’m looking to stretch it out, but I do keep getting all these wonderful screenshots…

See you tomorrow!

Money: 482 Simoleons

Eve Carstairs, January 7th (OMOWOY 2024)

Dear Diary,

I decided that I was still going to go to the dance. Wolfgang can act like he doesn’t know me and I can avoid him, but I wasn’t going to skip the dance on his account. That would be way too dramatic. Disney Channel levels of dramatic, really. So, I dressed up and I went, texting Molly that I would be there, and of course, one of the first people I saw was Wolfgang in a cream suit. I just felt twice as rejected, so I went over to the food table while people were dancing, and voted when they were asking everyone to. It was nice, though I wasn’t part of it much during the big part of the evening. I saw some people I know dancing together, and I was thinking that it would be nice, but I didn’t know how to ask.

They then called us to gather at the stage where they would be announcing the ‘Royalty’, which is apparently just the person everyone votes for. Wolfgang’s more popular than he thinks, apparently, because he was up on that stage with Molly, who got voted ‘Jester’ and the two of them were waving and smiling. He got crowned King of the dance, and people were just cheering him on, and all in all, it was awkward and weird and I think I clapped twice.

Here’s the weirdest part, though. This guy called Aurelio came up to me and asked me to dance. I agreed, mostly because it wasn’t like I was getting another chance this late, and we just…talked. He said I looked pretty miserable, and like I needed a friend, and I asked him if I seemed like a friendly person, and he laughed and said, no, not at all. Don’t get the wrong idea – there’s no sparks there, nothing at all. He said that he’s been the new kid before and it sucks, so he was paying it forward, something like that, and said my dress was nice. He was super polite at first but then we actually got talking. We’re both into some of the same music, but his music taste is all over the place, whereas I’m pretty much into related genres. We started talking about all the classic bands, added each other on Social Bunny, and he’s been telling me about this Dungeons and Dragons group he’s in since then (he plays a bard, go figure) and all about his character. So…I think I got adopted a bit?

The Wolfgang stuff still hurts and I don’t know what to do with it, but I don’t know. Maybe I don’t have to do anything at all.

Love, Eve

The first order of the day was, of course, the Simmi machine. I’ve yet to get the little achievement plaque, but I think it should be soon (I think I’m only missing Mayor Whiskers from the main set?)

Even if it was a Saturday, it was still homework time, as I don’t want Eve falling behind if her needs get too low. She didn’t look entirely pleased about it, but what can you do?

She was possibly less pleased with the fact that the shower resulted in some puddles she had to clean up right next to her bed, and that was something I did intend to fix later on…

Also, tending to the garden. Poor Eve had a lot of chores before she could go to the dance, a regular Cinderella. However, the garden itself is turning in a nice amount of money, so I’m not unhappy with it. It’s mostly spring plants, so I’ll need to replant when the seasons change, but for now, we’re good.

I also had her chat to the vendor at the sushi stand because her social need had once again dropped. Poor Eve often goes through periods of loneliness, but for now strangers and classmates are the only way she can stop that from happening.

As for fixing….tada! Look, it’s a bathroom! I’m super proud of myself with this, and I’m loving her aesthetic (it’s pretty classy, actually) and we’re still in the stage where I’m super pleased with every little addition to our tiny, tiny house.

But you’re not here for bathrooms, you’re here for prom shenanigans, and I’m happy to provide – so here is Eve in her beautiful prom outfit! Doesn’t she look just gorgeous?

She voted and then went to grab some food from the buffet, and I love how the lighting makes her dress look even more awesome.

As for Wolfgang, he was quite literally dancing by himself.

Then, everyone gathered for the announcements…

And Wolfgang and Molly were the king and the jester! Molly kind of clipped through the podium, but I’m sure no one noticed.

Eve and Aurelio then shared a dance, as it would be a waste of dressing up so fancy for her not to be able to dance, now, wouldn’t it?

Eve actually looked like she’d cheered up a lot more after dancing with Aurelio, so I may write a nice friendship between them now. After all, Eve hasn’t got that big of a social circle.

As you might expect after all that, however, Eve crashed immediately once she was home, utterly exhausted. I don’t think I can blame her – that would be enough drama for a month for me!

I’m not sure what will happen at the next dance, but I’m eager to find out even if we have more drama occurring. Something tells me that Eve won’t be asking Wolfgang this time, though.

Money: 122 Simoleons

Eve Carstairs, January 6th (OMOWOY 2024)

Dear Diary,

I don’t think I’ve ever felt more humiliated in my life than today. I don’t want to think about it but I can’t think of anything else.

Deep breath here. I asked Wolfgang to the prom, and he turned me down. I at least did it privately, with a sign, and I tried to be fun about it, but he looked so uncomfortable. He said that he doesn’t want to go ‘with’ me like that, and he tried to say some other stuff, but the more he talked, the worse it was. He said I was a ‘fun girl’ to be around, and I just couldn’t say anything. I couldn’t find any words at all, and I just turned and left. He didn’t come after me, either, and I ate lunch without him for the first time in weeks. He probably thinks I’m clingy now, too.

I feel like I messed up so bad, but I also feel like he messed up somehow. I mean, he doesn’t have to say yes, that would be stupid, but I hate that he just called me a ‘fun girl’. That makes me feel like he doesn’t even see me for me. I don’t even want to talk to him now.

Love, Eve

We started the day trying to swim in Wakaba’s River, but Eve has developed a fear of swimming, so it’s been rough going…

And then she turned blue, so it was time to give it up. Starting in spring might not have been the smartest idea after all, because this has been harder than it should have been already. Sigh. I made the seasons long, too, so I don’t know if I’ll even be able to complete the aspiration unless I switch.

At school, Eve found Wolfgang…

And she asked him to the prom with her homemade sign.

However, as the diary entry says, he turned her down awkwardly and Eve was pretty upset about it. Some things are not meant to be, but they can still hurt just as much.

I think probably the hardest part was that she still had to take her exams. I’m proud to say that she still aced them, but I really felt for her all throughout the day.

She avoided Wolfgang at lunch, of course…

Then she headed home to rest up and recover from the rejection and her exams. Definitely not the greatest time for this to have happened, but I have faith in her ability to bounce back from something like this.

Also, she’ll still be going to the prom tomorrow, so that will be its own drama and possibly a longer diary entry. I love that High School Years has given us the ability for High School Drama, though I’m sad Eve’s going through it.

Money: 801 Simoleons

Eve Carstairs, January 5th (OMOWOY 2024)

Dear Diary,

I talked to Wolfgang about the dance today, and talked about maybe going, because I’ve not been before. He said it wasn’t much, and that I probably shouldn’t bother, but then he asked if anyone had asked me, and I asked him who would ask me, exactly? He shrugged, and kind of laughed it off, but I said no one had asked me yet, probably because people don’t know me that well. New kid, and all that. I did tell him Molly was planning on spiking the punch, and he laughed about that, and said that might make it worth going, which… I don’t know how I feel about that quite yet.

But I’m not going to sit around and wait. I might as well try asking him, even if it takes everything I have, you know? I’m sure the worst he can say is no.

Love, Eve

Eve’s social life is going pretty well given that she’s also running around due to this challenge, and she managed to catch up with Wolfgang before school.

She then began creating a Promposal sign, which was pretty nerve wracking given that they’ve not exactly known each other very long. However, I want her to at least try even if she fails!

After that, it was time for class, with some low needs as a bonus. Eve looked less than happy about the fact…

Luckily, after that it was time for lunch and hanging out with Wolfgang and some of the other teens, so she got to eat and socialise. Her social bar is actually usually pretty low, sadly, so I try to catch it up during lunches.

When she got home, I was going to send her to rest, but I spotted Yamachan and of course we had to get a selfie! The only thing left is to swim in Wakaba’s River, but that’s actually proving to be pretty difficult…

Then it was time to suffer from Jenny’s Curse…

Finally, it was time to head back to the house and get some rest. I’m so happy that I have a little house now, and it’s slowly becoming more and more of a nice place to live between the plants and the Simmis. Not that Eve looks that well rested, poor girl.

With that, I’ll wrap this up, but I look forward to seeing where things go now. Here’s hoping Eve doesn’t get crushed by a vending machine in the meantime.

Money: 211 Simoleons

Eve Carstairs, January 3rd (OMOWOY 2024)

Dear Diary,

Wolfgang and me have been eating lunch together recently. Apparently he finds me funny. I don’t know how I feel about that, but I’ve been talking with him and some of his friends. I guess I’m part of that group, but I feel like I’m on the edge of it. Molly has been talking to me as well, and I guess she’s not always annoying, just when she’s doing that stupid stuff to try and act out. It’s so immature, but she’s not necessarily…bad, just childish, I guess. Other than that, I’m starting to settle into school, and doing pretty good.

Also, I’ve been texting with Wolfgang. Nothing serious or anything like that, just sort of checking how we’re doing, sending memes, songs and that. He says I’ve got old lady taste, but it’s kind of a joke with us now.

Love, Eve

Today, Eve was up early and making sure that she was doing her homework for school. It’s been a bit hard sometimes, but we’re doing well!

Of course, it was back to the Simmi Capsules after that…

And then to school, where Molly came to chat with her while she did a pre-class workout. School really does help work on your skills, funnily enough.

After that, it was time for classes, of course. This woman appears to be Eve’s only teacher, but we won’t hold it against her, and Molly is in most of the classes too.

Once that was done, it was time to head home and eat some vending machine cake. Yum…It probably tastes as good as Eve seems to think.

Because I was desperate for house money, Eve was back at the vending machines again, hence the sad cake. And, well, we managed to get some more money, but for the night, she’d have to sleep in her tent again. As for the house, wait and see!

Money: 1,074 Simoleons

Eve Carstairs, January 2nd (OMOWOY 2024)

Dear Diary,

New school, new me. Maple Hill is an easy commute from Mt Komorebi, even if it’s not the local school, and I’ve not heard bad things about it, exactly. It’s just I don’t think I can connect to the kids here, with their surface level problems. I don’t think they’ve been treated like they’re luggage for as long as they have, and it annoys me even though I guess that those are their real problems. Meanwhile I’m staying in bars to finish my homework. The principal’s daughter is called Molly Prescott, and she wants to be a rebel so bad it’s boring, but I think I’d only write that here. I mean, she’s annoying, but that doesn’t mean I need to be cruel. It’s just… exhausting.

There’s also this kid, Wolfgang, who wears eyeliner like he’s from the 80’s, but he’s not boring with it. I was waiting around outside school in the cold, and he was winding Molly up about something. Or maybe she was annoying him, I don’t know, but that’s how I met them both. I told him to knock it off, because it was getting on my nerves, and he told me to go back to the Hot Topic clearance rack and I told him that was rich coming from a Buffy vampire knockoff, and he started getting heated about it, but then I guess he wasn’t too mad about it, because he asked me what my name was, and I told him, so I suppose I wasn’t too mad about it either. He’s interesting to argue with, at least. So not everyone is boring.

Love, Eve

We love starting the day with bar food breakfast, right? Well, Eve does, or at least has to. Not really many other options at the moment. I think it was some kind of platter, but then there’s not many breakfast food at a bar like this.

Then, it was time for school and to meet new friends – Molly and Wolfgang, as it happens. Everyone looks pretty comfortable here, right? Hah.

This poor teacher looks so done with all these young’uns being on their phones in class. Sorrows, prayers.

We then had a fire drill, which I didn’t even know was a thing. But, hey, safety first. She did also get another chance to chat with Wolfgang too, which is a silver lining given how low her social need was getting.

After that, it was time for her second class (and an outfit change)…

And school was over! She did pretty well, according to the notes, which I’m pleased by, but I of course sent her to the Simmi machine. Can’t be too relaxed in the first month of this.

By the way, this is her normal everyday outfit and the other one is her cold weather outfit – it’s just freezing in the spring in Mt. Komorebi! I love her little spider web tights.

Money: 471 Simoleons

Eve Carstairs, January 1st (OMOWOY 2024)

Dear Diary,

It’s been ages since I actually kept a diary, and now I’m keeping one in my phone because it’s just easier. I know Dad’ll be furious when he gets back, but I’m sick of being given to people like a chore. First it was Grandma and Grandpa, then back to Dad, then Dad’s friend Carrie and her family, then back to Dad, and then Uncle Alfred even though he’s already struggling after Auntie Miriam died. Dad keeps saying it’s for my own good, that he wants me to be taken care of, but I don’t see him taking care of me. Just other people being forced to do it for him after I land on their doorstep. I’d rather look after myself, and how hard can it be? It’s not like it’d be any different for him when he isn’t even in the country.

Love, Eve

Meet Eve Carstairs, our runaway teen! She’s recently arrived in Mt Komorebi, and she’s starting in true One Month One World One Year style with no money whatsoever. So, let’s go digging!

After finding a capsule and selling it without opening it, I spotted Judith Ward wandering around – very lucky, and time to beg for an autograph so we can immediately flog it.

With those sold, it was time to head to the Simmi Capsule machine! The risky money maker paid off this time, with no squashing, and I ended up getting some very good pulls – yay! I feel like it always tricks me at the beginning though, probably so it can squash my poor teens later on.

As such, Eve now has her first sleeping arrangements and some plants to grow outside. I just love using plants to make money, it makes me happy!

As it had started to rain, I sent her to the lounge, where she found out she didn’t like singing…

But that she could settle down and get her homework done here, thankfully, with some kind words from Agatha Crumplebottom. I like to think she was being nice and encouraging to someone being studious like Eve is.

Then it was time for a bowl of olives….(Low hunger, and not much to do otherwise!)

And then it was time to plant vegetables and flowers outside the tent. These will be very good moneymakers in the future, though they’re not exactly dragon fruits.

Then, of course, I was proven right as Eve fell victim to Jenny’s Curse trying to push her luck. Ouch!

Given she was now battered and bruised, I decided to send the poor girl to bed. Couldn’t even go one day without the curse hitting me, I guess. Sigh.

With that, we’ve wrapped up the first day! Hopefully tomorrow has less of her being squashed by vending machines….

Money: 278 Simoleons

Author’s Note: So, first, I’ve never managed to actually finish one of these challenges when trying to post to the forums and it’s been a whole thing. I eventually realised the obvious – scheduled posts would actually be my friend, so hello from December 2023! Hopefully I get a bunch of these sorted and I can manage a year after several failed attempts.